Friday, December 5, 2008

Mumbai Terrorist Attack

Brave Police Officers, Really….

I will let you decide. Maybe LAPD SWAT could use this as a training video and take notes.

Here is a video of Indian Police response to the Mumbai [f/k/a Bombay] attack last week:

In the mean time, while you are watching, I will provide play-by-play commentary:

Time 0:00 - What we have are still shots, about a second apart, taken from the view of a large hallway that seems to open up into a large, open space [probably the central building] of a rail terminal, or something. There are lots of people lingering, and the crowd appears concerned, but not frightened. Notice at the top corner of the hallway, we see a small group, about 6 or 7, police officers talking.

Time 0:25 – The group of officers increased to about 10. We can confirm that a few have rifles. They are in a tight group, probably receiving information from a supervisor [or maybe they are reading a magazine, whatever]. Notice that most of the pedestrian traffic in the open area is moving from right to left. This indicates that there is a passageway to the right, entering into the center area from the top of our screen.

Time 0:40 – Some of the officers left quickly, away from the center area, down the hallway to the bottom of the screen. Others seem to walk back and forth. The crowd seems much more nervous.

Time 0:50 – Several officers, maybe 4 or 5 or more, have rifles.

Time 1:05 – Most of the crowd has cleared out. There are about 7 or 8 officers, most with rifles.

Time 1:15 – A few more officers with rifles show up.

Time 1:25 – Several officers, including several with rifles, leave the area.

Time 1:33 – Almost all the officers leave the area. A few are at the top of the hallway, looking towards the right.

Time 1:50 – More waking back and forth by officers. Note that the most curious person is a photographer. We will see him taking pictures soon.

Time 1:55 – Person in white shirt is very excited about something he sees. He yells something down the hall and with his arm signals to some people below our screen [my guess is to a bunch of officers with rifles] that they should come see around the corner.

Time 2:01 – That is one brave photographer. Maybe someone should have handed him a rifle.

Time 2:03 – See the officer run away! LOL!!

Time 2:30 – More people clear the area. Something scary is just around the corner!

Time 2:36 – Yes! We are saved. A brave officer, with rifle, appears.

Time 2:39 – Everyone runs away, except for our very own Bruce Willis.

Time 2:47 – See the random Indian person calmly walking by, as if nothing important is happening. Bizarre.

Time 2:57 – Bruce Willis has back-up. I hope the bad guys are ready for some action. What happened to all the other officers with rifles? Oh well. Who needs them anyway when we have Bruce Willis.

Time 3:04 – Top of the screen, in the middle of the large central area, a Mumbai terrorist.

Time 3:08 – Now we see both terrorists, standing in the open. Easy targets for our brave officer. Of course, the officers are hidden, but surely that is just temporary.

Time 3:25 – Officers are doing a very good job of hiding. I wonder what their plan is?

Time 3:33 – Mumbai terrorist in plain view at top of screen. Easy target.

Time 3:49 – Mumbai terrorist exists top stage right [our left]. Strange, I see no pursuit by our officers. What happened to the other 10-15 officers? Where are all those rifles?

End - Show ends with our officers remaining hidden.


PiningForTheFjords said...

Way to hustle, guys!

Lady Brainsample said...

I'm still trying to get over the fact that YOU said "lol." HA!!